A Guide to Lumps and Bumps

A Guide to Lumps and Bumps

If you’ve got junk, you’ve likely experienced at least one moment of fear when you notice it’s got a strange bump or lump. So what’s wrong with your dick?! You can relax! Normal variations in color or benign conditions are common. There are, of course, STDs to watch...
What Does Your Urine Say About You?

What Does Your Urine Say About You?

Did you know that long before there were blood tests to check on a person’s health, the ancients derived most of their information from looking at a person’s urine? In fact, before the snake and staff insignia came to represent medicine, the symbol for doctors was a...
Over the Hill and Under the Sheets: Sex After 50

Over the Hill and Under the Sheets: Sex After 50

As you enter your golden years, you may feel yourself slowing down: shuffling the feet a little more, taking a few more naps, chatting leisurely about the good old days. And when it comes to your sex life, well…maybe there’s a reason we don’t see a lot of older folks...