A Disruption in the Plumbing: Ejaculatory Disorders

A Disruption in the Plumbing: Ejaculatory Disorders

With the popularity of ads for Viagra and similar products, it’s easy to think erectile dysfunction is the most common problem Mr. Happy can possibly face. In reality, ejaculatory disorders are the most prevalent, even if we’re still learning how and why they happen....
The Penis and the Bling

The Penis and the Bling

Genital piercings aren’t anything new—they were written about as early as the second century in the Kama Sutra. In the 1990s they experienced a resurgence, and today, having a bit of bling below the belt is more common than ever. But there’s also a lot of...
Infertility: The Cultural Taboo

Infertility: The Cultural Taboo

For couples who are struggling with infertility and want to start a family, IVF may seem like a perfectly valid option. And it is—for those who can afford it. In many parts of the world, access to infertility treatments is impacted not only by cost, but by religious...
In the Beginning: Why Boys Have Penises

In the Beginning: Why Boys Have Penises

Men and women have basically the same vital organs, blood vessels, flesh, and bones…but somehow, our genders are different. Why do men develop penises, and women don’t? Lets start at the beginning—of life. According to a report in IFL Science, the penis evolved as...
You Being You: How Gender Reassignment Surgery Works

You Being You: How Gender Reassignment Surgery Works

You don’t have to be a penis doc to notice that more and more medical professionals are coming to understand that a person’s sexual characteristics don’t necessarily determine how they self-identify their gender. In fact, The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of...
A Cultural Guide to Circumcision

A Cultural Guide to Circumcision

Aside from vasectomies, there’s another kind of intimate snipping that’s been a topic of much debate over the years: circumcision. For religious and cultural reasons, the decision on whether or not to remove the foreskin of a baby within eight days of his birth is...